Aging isn't a walk in the park. Your brain, that amazing supercomputer, starts to slow down a bit as you get older. It's like your old trusty car – it still gets you where you need to go, but it doesn't purr like it used to.
Forgetting where you put your keys (again!) or struggling to find the right word... Annoying, right? And let's not even talk about trying to figure out that new smartphone app. These little brain blips can be very frustrating.
Discovering new horizons
However, it's not always about getting old. Stress, improper nutrition, and not getting enough sleep can take a toll on your brain too. It's like trying to run a marathon without training.
But more importantly, how you feel about getting old can actually affect how your brain does! Thinking negative thoughts about aging can make it worse.
It has been demonstrated multiple times that the right mindset and a proper lifestyle are successful in keeping the brain sharp until very old ages.
Brain brightening: Restoring the aging mind
Budzynski T., Budzynski H. K., Tang H. Y., 2007
Part of the book "Handbook of neurofeedback: Dynamics and clinical applications," this chapter explores recent findings on brain function in older adults to improve care for cognitive decline. It highlights that some cognitive limitations may stem from societal beliefs about aging, and that not all brain changes are purely age-related. Common changes include decreased alertness, reduced brain blood flow, altered brain wave patterns, and slower brain responses. Despite these trends, neurofeedback along with other methods can help elderly individuals maintain cognitive function and brain health similar to younger people.
Angelakis E., Stathopoulou S., Frymiare J., Green D., Lubar J., Kounios J., 2007
This article reviews NF's basics and current research, focusing on a pilot study developing a new NF protocol to improve cognitive function in the elderly. The study found that training older adults to increase their EEG peak alpha frequency (PAF) led to improvements in cognitive processing speed and executive function, though it didn't significantly impact memory.
Gomez-Pilar J., Corralejo R., Nicolas-Alonso L.F., Álvarez D., Hornero R., 2016
Recently, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been used with neurofeedback (NFT) to boost brain plasticity. This study tested whether an NFT using a motor imagery-based BCI could enhance cognitive functions affected by aging. Sixty-three participants over 60 years old were recruited, with 31 using the NFT and 32 as a control group. The NFT group showed significant improvements in cognitive functions like visuospatial skills, oral language, memory, and intellectual abilities after five sessions.
Discover your new normal
...Where aging is synonymous with wisdom, not decline. You wake up feeling refreshed, ready to tackle the day with enthusiasm.
Sharp memory, stimulating conversations, effortlessly recalling names, dates, and past experiences. You are active and independent, enjoying hobbies and passions.
You continue to learn and grow, taking on new challenges and exploring new interests. You focus on enjoying life to the fullest.